Greg Silvestri, managing director

“We are best to work for because of our open door policy and more.”

There are a lot of things about SkillStorm’s culture that make it a great place to work, says Greg Silvestri. One of those things is transparency among colleagues about what the company is trying to accomplish, and internal workers can reach out to anyone in the company — even top management.

“You can talk to a recruiter, or you can talk to the CEO, just a phone call away,” Silvestri says. “I come from another staffing company where it wasn’t that easy. There were a lot of layers of approval; here we don’t have that. It’s welcomed, and anybody in the company can do that.”

In addition, celebrations can happen any day and internal workers have an opportunity to earn equity as soon as they come aboard.

SkillStorm also has annual meetings where all employees come together in one place. There are also team dinner meetings each month.

Top executives give teams the autonomy to get things done, Silvestri says.

Offices also feature little reminders of SkillStorm’s culture such as puzzle pieces in SkillStorm orange and basketball hoops.

“It’s a really good environment where we can succeed and they’ve given us all the tools we need,” Silvestri says. “It’s just so easy to work here, it’s just a phenomenal place.”